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FoodTech Tomorrow


FoodTech Tomorrow - Trend scouting about the food industry of the future

In the shadow of a challenging year to say the least, we want to gather our friends in the food industry to think together about the trends, challenges and above all the opportunities of tomorrow's food industry. Hope you are curious about it too, in which case you are more than welcome to join us! ? Read more at the registration link!

When we together with Info When we first started talking about holding a joint digital event, we really had only one basic idea.

We wanted to create something other than a "normal" event where products are talked about. Thus was born the idea of inviting good friends, and letting them think aloud about the future, without somehow saying that "this is how it will be".

Because we can't possibly know that.

What we are interested in is how big and small trends together with new creative ideas can challenge the old. And how it can affect the food industry.

Therese Gawor

Recruitment specialist

+46(0) 54- 15 01 15

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Sommargatan 101A
656 37 Karlstad

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